British Council Advanced Agent Certificate / University of Sussex Certificate in Training / Australia Qualified Education Agent Counsellor / ブリティッシュ・カウンシル公式資格取得カウンセラー(上級) / サセックス大学認定カウンセラー / オーストラリア政府認定留学カウンセラー
Knowledge Management project (NSW, AUS)
ERP System Translation project (CL, USA)
Bond University, BBus in E-Commerce (GLD, AUS)
British Columbia College (University foundation, CAN)
University of Surrey (English Language Course, UK)
Richard College (Summer English Language Course, UK)
Padworth College (English Language Course, UK)
Be Positive. Everything happens for the best.
For those who have kept an interest in studying abroad, it’s time to take an action with beo. For those who are about to leave home for studying abroad, EVERYTHING you experience will be for the best of your future. For those whose friend or son/daughter studies abroad, please support him/her all the way. I hope more Japanese study abroad and gain life experience.