「Stick around」です!
Stickは名詞なら「棒や小枝」、動詞だと「突き刺さる・くっつく」といった意味がありますが、「Stick around」は、一体どんな時に使うフレーズなのでしょうか?
Chris: Oh, my gosh. Matt! How have you been?
Matt: I’m good. How are you?
Chris: As you can see, nothing has changed since the last time we met. What are you doing here?
Matt: I’ve come here for work. I have a meeting to attend to.
Chris: Will you go back to New York tonight?
Matt: Yeah. But I think the meeting will finish in a couple of hours, so, after that, I’m going to stick around for a while.
Chris: I will have finished my work at 3:00 pm. Why don’t we go for dinner?
Matt: Sounds great.
会議のためにニューヨークから訪れたMatt。今晩帰るかどうかChrisに聞かれ、 「Yeah. But I think the meeting will finish in a couple of hours, so, after that, I’m going to stick around for a while.」と答えていますね。
「Stick around」には「辺りをぶらつく、時間を潰す」
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryでは、以下のよう書かれていました。
“To stay in a place, waiting for something to happen or for somebody to arrive”
Chris: Oh, my gosh. Matt! How have you been?
Matt: I’m good. How are you?
Chris: As you can see, nothing has changed since the last time we met. What are you doing here?
Matt: I’ve come here for work. I have a meeting to attend to.
Chris: Will you go back to New York tonight?
Matt: Yeah. But I think the meeting will finish in a couple of hours, so, after that, I’m going to stick around for a while.
Chris: I will have finished my work at 3:00 pm. Why don’t we go for dinner?
Matt: Sounds great.
それではまた次回! See you next time!