「The dust settles」です!
Glen: Can we talk now?
Emily: Why not? What’s wrong?
Glen: I had a big fight with my wife last night; and when I woke up this morning, she was gone.
Emily: What!? What did you guys fight over?
Glen: It’s a long story. The point is she has never done a thing like this, so I’m very confused.
Emily: Okay. Do you know where she is now?
Glen: I think she is at her parent’s home. I need to talk and apologize to her. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to go there?
Emily: Well. I think you’d better wait until the dust has settled.
今回は夫婦喧嘩のお話です。実は「the dust settles」というフレーズは、こういった喧嘩や騒動の後に使われるフレーズなんです。
「the dust settles」には「ほとぼりが冷める、状況が落ち着く」
今回のように「until the dust has settled」や「before the dust settles」といった句で使われることが多いです。
例えば部屋の掃除をするとします。すると部屋中にほこりが舞い散りますよね。そんな状態で部屋に入っても、ほこりを大量に吸ってしまうので、ほこりが落ち着くまで(the dust settles)待つのが賢明です。これが次第に「状況が落ち着く」といった広い意味合いで使われるようになっていきました。
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryには以下のよう書かれています。
let the dust settle:
“To wait for a situation to become clear or certain”

Glen: Can we talk now?
Emily: Why not? What’s wrong?
Glen: I had a big fight with my wife last night; and when I woke up this morning, she was gone.
Emily: What!? What did you guys fight over?
Glen: It’s a long story. The point is she has never done a thing like this, so I’m very confused.
Emily: Okay. Do you know where she is now?
Glen: I think she is at her parent’s home. I need to talk and apologize to her. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to go there?
Emily: Well. I think you’d better wait until the dust has settled.
他にも、「let the dust settle」といった表現も多く使われます。例えば「You need to let the dust settles first」など。便利なフレーズなので、ぜひぜひ使ってみてください。
それではまた次回! See you next time!