Previous Study Abroad Experience / History
留学経験 / 経歴
BA in International Studies, American University, Washington D.C., the United States
MSc in Gender and International relations, University of Bristol, Bristol, the United Kingdom
ブリストル大学 (英国、ブリストル)ジェンダーと国際関係学
If you can have a dream, you can make it come true.
Advantages of being with beo
Experienced beo staff provide a wide range of services to those who are interested in studying abroad. Since beo has strong connections with various overseas universities, particularly in the UK, we are able to give customers an abundance of academic information when selecting schools and courses. Even for customers are not confident enough to study in foreign countries, since we have established various English courses we can help support their study. With these high levels of service, all staff at beo do our best to make customers’ dreams come true.