「Like a fish out of water」です!
Scott: Hi, William. How was the date last night?
William: It was… it was okay.
Scott: Sounds like it was not fun for you. Did something happen?
William: It just…we were going to see a movie, but she invited me to go to a party held by her friends.
Scott: That sounds fun! What’s the problem?
William: Well, you know, there were many people in that party, and only person I knew was her.
Scott: Is that problem? I thought you are an outgoing person.
William: I’m not! Besides, it’s like most of them are living in a different world. Every time I tried to talk to them, I found we have nothing in common.
Scott: I see.
William: Eventually, I couldn’t stop but feeling like a fish out of water and leave the party.
Scott: Then, you got into a fight your girlfriend, didn’t you?
William: Right.
恋人に誘われてパーティーに参加したWilliamは、気の合う人を見つけられずに「Eventually, I couldn’t stop but feeling like a fish out of water and leave the party.」だと言っていますね。
「like a fish out of water」には「場違いな気分、よそものの気分」
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryでは、以下のよう書かれていました。
“a person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he or she is in surroundings that are not familiar”

Scott: Hi, William. How was the date last night?
William: It was… it was okay.
Scott: Sounds like it was not fun for you. Did something happen?
William: It just…we were going to see a movie, but she invited me to go to a party held by her friends.
Scott: That sounds fun! What’s the problem?
William: Well, you know, there were many people in that party, and only person I knew was her.
Scott: Is that problem? I thought you are an outgoing person.
William: I’m not! Besides, it’s like most of them are living in a different world. Every time I tried to talk to them, I found we have nothing in common.
Scott: I see.
William: Eventually, I couldn’t stop but feeling like a fish out of water and leave the party.
Scott: Then, you got into a fight your girlfriend, didn’t you?
William: Right.
それではまた次回! See you next time!