「Put the squeeze on」です!
Billy: Hi, Kate. Have you seen an article in the latest issue of “Weekly Gossip”?
Kate: You mean the article about a son of the CEO of XXX company?
Billy: Exactly! I was very surprised that he was arrested for murder.
Kate: Actually, I was not that surprised. I kind of figured he would commit a huge crime sooner or later.
Billy: How come?
Kate: You know. Rumor has it that he had been committing crimes like drugs, violence, whatever.
Billy: Really? I didn’t know that.
Kate: Seriously? Aren’t you a subscriber of “Weekly Gossip”? It has been always said that every time he did something wrong, his father, the CEO of XXX company, put the squeeze on the newspaper and publishers not to publish an incident.
Billy: Really? If that’s true, I would be more surprised at the fact that his father has power to do such a thing.
XXX会社の社長の息子が逮捕された記事に驚くBillyに対して、Kateは特に驚いた様子も見せず「It has been always said that every time he did something wrong, his father, the CEO of XXX company, put the squeeze on the newspaper and publishers not to publish an incident.」だと言っていますね。
「Put the squeeze on」には「圧力をかける、脅迫する」
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryでは、以下のよう書かれていました。
“To put pressure on somebody to act in a particular way; to make a situation difficult for somebody”

Billy: Hi, Kate. Have you seen an article in the latest issue of “Weekly Gossip”?
Kate: You mean the article about a son of the CEO of XXX company?
Billy: Exactly! I was very surprised that he was arrested for murder.
Kate: Actually, I was not that surprised. I kind of figured he would commit a huge crime sooner or later.
Billy: How come?
Kate: You know. Rumor has it that he had been committing crimes like drugs, violence, whatever.
Billy: Really? I didn’t know that.
Kate: Seriously? Aren’t you a subscriber of “Weekly Gossip”? It has been always said that every time he did something wrong, his father, the CEO of XXX company, put the squeeze on the newspaper and publishers not to publish an incident.
Billy: Really? If that’s true, I would be more surprised at the fact that his father has power to do such a thing.
今回のように、“put the squeeze on 人物 to (not to)”の形で、使われることが多いので、このまま覚えて、ぜひ使ってみて下さい。
それではまた次回! See you next time!