「Neither here nor there」です!
Ellen: Hi, Cath. I heard that you’ve got engaged to your boyfriend.
Cath: Yes! He proposed to me a week ago.
Ellen: I’m happy for you! I don’t know about your boyfriend well. What does he do for a living?
Cath: He is an actor!
Ellen: Actor? Is he famous?
Cath: Not so much. He is working as a part-time cashier to supplement his income.
Ellen: Okay. Don’t get me wrong, but how could you say yes? I mean you used to say that you would get married to a rich guy.
Cath: I did. But I realized that, for me, whether he is rich or not is neither here nor there. He loves me better than anyone else. That’s what matters the most.
Ellen: I agree, but I’m very surprised to hear you say such a thing.
「neither here nor there」には「取るに足りないこと、重要でない」
このフレーズには、はっきりとした語源がありません。最も古い書物では、アーサー・ゴールディングが翻訳した「The sermons of J. Calvin upon Deuteronomie(1583年)」の中に
“True it is that our so doing is neither here nor there (as they say) in respect of God.”
という一節がありますが、引用文の中で as they say と記載されているとおり、この表現自体はこれより前に語源を持つと考えられています。
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryには以下のよう書かれています。
“Not important”

Ellen: Hi, Cath. I heard that you’ve got engaged to your boyfriend.
Cath: Yes! He proposed to me a week ago.
Ellen: I’m happy for you! I don’t know about your boyfriend well. What does he do for a living?
Cath: He is an actor!
Ellen: Actor? Is he famous?
Cath: Not so much. He is working as a part-time cashier to supplement his income.
Ellen: Okay. Don’t get me wrong, but how could you say yes? I mean you used to say that you would get married to a rich guy.
Cath: I did. But I realized that, for me, whether he is rich or not is neither here nor there. He loves me better than anyone else. That’s what matters the most, right?
Ellen: I agree, but I’m very surprised to hear you say such a thing.
普段なら「That’s not important」なんて言ってしまう場面で、「That’s neither here nor there」なんてスラッと言えたら、カッコイイですよね。ぜひ覚えて使ってみてください!
それではまた次回! See you next time!