「Tiptoe around」です!
「Tiptoe」には、「つま先・忍び足」といった意味があります。一体どんな時に使うフレーズなのでしょうか? 早速、一連の会話から見ていきましょう! 友人であるAmyとEdwardが話しています。
Amy: Hi, Edward. Do you know something about Rick and Nicholas?
Edward: What do you mean?
Amy: When I saw them this morning, I felt like something’s going on between them.
Edward: I don’t know exactly what happened, but I heard that they had a big fight; and since then, they have been tiptoeing around each other.
Amy: I didn’t know that.
RickとNicholasの様子がおかしいことについて問われたEdwardは、「they have been tiptoeing around each other.」と答えています。
「Tiptoe around」には「避ける」
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurusでは、以下のよう書かれていました。
“to avoid dealing with a difficult subject, problem, or person”
Amy: Hi, Edward. Do you know something about Rick and Nicholas?
Edward: What do you mean?
Amy: When I saw them this morning, I felt like something’s going on between them.
Edward: I don’t know exactly what happened, but I heard that they had a big fight; and since then, they have been tiptoeing around each other.
Amy: I didn’t know that.
辞書にあるように、人を避けるという意味だけでなく、例えば「tiptoe around the issue」のように使えば「問題を避ける」という風に使うこともできます。この機会にぜひ覚えてしまいましょう☆
それではまた次回! See you next time!