
[連載] 英語フレーズ 第18回 "Come hell or high water"


「Come hell or high water」です!


Mike: Hey Scott. Are you already excited about the game on this weekend?
Scott: Yes. I’m surprised that you remember that.
Mike: What? Of course, I do! You said you would play as a varsity player this time, right?
Scott: Yes. My efforts have been finally paid off. I thought You’re not interested in me playing baseball.
Mike: What made you think so?
Scott: Because you have never come to see a game. You always broke promises to come and watch a game, saying you’re too busy to come. It’s just I got used to it.
Mike: I’m very sorry that I have been putting the first priority on my job. I will promise I will go to see the game on this weekend, come hell or high water.
Scott: Okay. I hope you will keep the promise this time; but I won’t get my hopes up.

Mikeは、一度も試合を見に行ったことがないことで、息子が悲しい思いをしていたことを知り「I will go to see the game on this weekend, come hell or high water.」と言います。

「come hell or high water」には「何がなんでも、何が起きても」

このフレーズの語源は、はっきりと分かっていません。1900年初頭に、新聞や書物の中で使われ始めたと言われています。最初は「come」のない「hell or high water」の形で使われていたという説もあります。
Oxford Living Dictionariesには以下のよう書かれています。
“despite any difficulties”

Mike: Hey Scott. Are you already excited about the game on this weekend?
Scott: Yes. I’m surprised that you remember that.
Mike: What? Of course, I do! You said you would play as a varsity player this time, right?
Scott: Yes. My efforts have been finally paid off. I thought You’re not interested in me playing baseball.
Mike: What made you think so?
Scott: Because you have never come to see a game. You always broke promises to come and watch a game, saying you’re too busy to come. It’s just I got used to it.
Mike: I’m very sorry that I have been putting the first priority on my job. I will promise I will go to see the game on this weekend, come hell or high water.
Scott: Okay. I hope you will keep the promise this time; but I won’t get my hopes up.

同じような意味としては「No matter what (happens)」という表現が非常によく使われますが、こういった場面では「Come hell or high water」の方がより切迫感・強い意志を感じますね!

それではまた次回! See you next time!