
[連載] 英語フレーズ 第17回 "Throw someone under the bus"


「Throw someone under the bus」です!


Emily: Hi, Nick. Are you okay? I heard you had got yelled at by our boss.
Nick: I’m fine. I’m just feeling so frustrated because of what Tom did to me.
Emily: Tom? Did he do something to you?
Nick: He threw me under the bus!
Emily: What? What did he do?
Nick: The Boss yelled at me because he heard that one of our clients got mad as I was late in the meeting with them.
Emily: Were you?
Nick: Of course not! Tom is the one who was late. He told the boss I was late!
Emily: Why would he say that?
Nick: I don’t know.
Emily: You should have told the boss the truth.
Nick: Maybe. But he was so mad that I felt like it’s not time to say such a thing.
Emily: I feel sorry for you.

「Tomが何かしたの?」というEmilyの質問に対して「He threw me under the bus!」と怒鳴るNick。

「Throw someone under the bus」には「~を犠牲にする、~を裏切る」

Oxford Living Dictionaries には以下のよう書かれています。
“Cause someone else to suffer in order to save oneself or gain personal advantage”

Emily: Hi, Nick. Are you okay? I heard you had got yelled at by our boss.
Nick: I’m fine. I’m just feeling so frustrated because of what Tom did to me.
Emily: Tom? Did he do something to you?
Nick: He threw me under the bus!
Emily: What? What did he do?
Nick: The Boss yelled at me because he heard that one of our clients got mad as I was late in the meeting with them.
Emily: Were you?
Nick: Of course not! Tom is the one who was late. He told the boss I was late!
Emily: Why would he say that?
Nick: I don’t know.
Emily: You should have told the boss the truth.
Nick: Maybe. But he was so mad that I felt like it’s not time to say such a thing.
Emily: I feel sorry for you.


それではまた次回! See you next time!