
[連載] 英語フレーズ 第19回 "There is a method to (in) one’s madness"


「There is a method to (in) one’s madness」です!


Jimmy: I cannot believe the head coach has decided not to buy a new big-name player in this year.
Matt: Yeah, I know. I kind of saw this coming though. He doesn’t like depending on one star player.
Jimmy: I know. But, our rival team made a deal with a good player from Brazil; on the other hand, the head coach brought 2 players from Japan. That’s it.
Matt: And those 2 players are not that famous in Europe.
Jimmy: Exactly. I don’t think the head coach wants to win the championship.
Matt: I know what you mean. But I still believe there is a method to his madness.
Jimmy: I hope so.

Mattは、チームの監督がスター選手を買わないことを嘆くJimmyに対して「I still believe there is a method to his madness.」と言って擁護しているように見えますね。

「There is a method to (in) one’s madness」には「一見おかしなことをしているように見えるけど、そこにはそれなりの理由がある」

このフレーズの語源は、シェークスピアのハムレットの劇中で使用された台詞「Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.」です。
Oxford Living Dictionariesには以下のよう書かれています。
“There is a reason for somebody’s behavior and it is not as strange or as stupid as it seems”

Jimmy: I cannot believe the head coach has decided not to buy a new big-name player in this year.
Matt: Yeah, I know. I kind of saw this coming though. He doesn’t like depending on one star player.
Jimmy: I know. But, our rival team made a deal with a good player from Brazil; on the other hand, the head coach brought 2 players from Japan. That’s it.
Matt: And those 2 players are not that famous in Europe.
Jimmy: Exactly. I don’t think the head coach wants to win the championship.
Matt: I know what you mean. But I still believe there is a method to his madness.
Jimmy: I hope so.


それではまた次回! See you next time!