
[連載] 英語フレーズ 第16回 "Keep a low profile"


「Keep a low profile」です!


Steve: Hi, Jake. How did your first week go?
Jake: So far so good! I like people working here.
Steve: That’s good to hear. By the way, I heard a rumor about you.
Jake: A rumor? What kind?
Steve: A rumor has it that you had a quarrel with our boss.
Jake: Yes I did. What’s wrong with it? I just told him my opinion, because I don’t think his business plan is as good as he thinks it is.
Steve: Okay. But even so, I think you should keep a low profile for a while. You are new here, and some people may get a wrong idea about you.
Jake: Thank you for your advice, but I do not care how people see me. Only I care about is whether we are doing the right things to make profits.

入社早々に、上司にたてついたJakeに対して「You should keep a low profile for a while」となだめるSteve。

「Keep a low profile」には「目立たないようにする、控えめに行動する」

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary によると、「Profile」には「the general impression that somebody or something gives to the public and the amount of attention they receive(人物や物が他者に与える印象とその注目度)」とあります。つまりそれを「low」の状態にしておく→「目立たないようにする」という意味になるんですね。なるほど!
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryには以下のよう書かれています。
“Not to attract attention”

Steve: Hi, Jake. How did your first week go?
Jake: So far so good! I like people working here.
Steve: That’s good to hear. By the way, I heard a rumor about you.
Jake: A rumor? What kind?
Steve: A rumor has it that you had a quarrel with our boss.
Jake: Yes I did. What’s wrong with it? I just told him my opinion, because I don’t think his business plan is as good as he thinks it is.
Steve: Okay. But even so, I think you keep a low profile for a while. You are new here, and some people may get a wrong idea about you.
Jake: Thank you for your advice, but I do not care how people see me. Only I care about is whether we are doing the right things to make profits.

この表現はドラマや映画などでも良く使われています。例えば、セレブ同士が隠れて交際を始めたときに「We should keep a low profile」なんていう風に使えます。

それではまた次回! See you next time!