「Put my foot in my mouth」です!
Kate: How was your day, Cole?
Cole: I had a rough day.
Kate: Did something happen?
Cole: I happened to talk to President at the lunch time.
Kate: Then?
Cole: I totally put my foot in my mouth, like I always do.
Kate: What did you do?
Cole: We were talking about soccer, and I said that I don’t like FC Barcelona without knowing that he is a big fan of FC Barcelona.
Kate: Oh.. Did he get upset?
Cole: No, he didn’t say anything at that time. But I felt embarrassed when one of my colleague told me that he has been a big fan of the team since he was a child.
Coleは、社長とランチの時間に話すことになり、FCバルセロナの大ファンである社長の前で、FCバルセロナが好きじゃないと発言してしまい、「I totally put my foot in my mouth」と言っていますね。
「Put my foot in my mouth」には「口を滑らす、失言する」
一説によると、このフレーズの語源は18世紀に遡ります。当時は会話の中で不適切な発言をしてしまうことを「Put one’s foot in it」表現していました。(話の中に無駄に足を踏み入れてしまうイメージです。)そして20世紀に「Every time I open my mouth I put my foot in it」といった表現が広まり、今のように使われるようになっていたそうです。
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryには以下のよう書かれています。
“To say or do something that upsets, offends, or embarrasses somebody”

Kate: How was your day, Cole?
Cole: I had a rough day.
Kate: Did something happen?
Cole: I happened to talk to President at the lunch time.
Kate: Then?
Cole: I totally put my foot in my mouth, like I always do.
Kate: What did you do?
Cole: We were talking about soccer, and I said that I don’t like FC Barcelona without knowing that he is a big fan of FC Barcelona.
Kate: Oh.. Did he get upset?
Cole: No, he didn’t say anything at that time. But I felt embarrassed when one of my colleague told me that he has been a big fan of the team since he was a child.
他にも「slip of the tongue」といった表現も、同じような意味で良く使われています(例:That was a slip of the tongue / あれは失言だった)。
それではまた次回! See you next time!