


Previous Study Abroad Experience / History

留学経験 / 経歴

Liceo Mexicano-Japones (Mexico)
College of Business, University of Southern Mississippi (USA)
Goethe-Institute (Germany)
TESOL TKT (New Zealand)



Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Advantages of being with beo


All beo staff have study abroad experience. From the standpoint of professional study abroad counselors we offer suitable programmes and pointed advice to achieve your future goal. We can all – including our director, Paul – offer you confident and friendly support. Why don’t you try taking on the challenge with us at beo, to improve your life and career through study abroad? We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

beoのスタッフは留学経験をもつプロフェッショナルです。皆さんの夢や目標を実現するべく、ご希望に沿ったプログラムやアドバイスをご案内いたします。 そして、代表のポールをはじめ、beoスタッフはフレンドリーで、自信を持って皆さんをサポートいたします。私たちbeoと共に、留学を通して、人生の キャリアアップにチャレンジにしてみませんか?ぜひお問合せください。

A message for people interested in studying abroad


Speaking from my own personal experience, “overseas study” is a life changing event and I want more people to experience it. Overseas studying and experiencing cultural differences while living overseas improve one’s humanity, way of thinking, creative abilities, etc., and surely enrich one’s life. While studying overseas many difficult situations will undoubtedly arise; however, I believe when we overcome and complete these challenges we grow as human beings and find a rewarding life. I would love to support you in taking on your challenge and this is my motivation for my work as a study abroad counsellor.
