


Previous Study Abroad Experience / History

留学経験 / 経歴

Before joining BEO, I had been teaching at the universities here in Japan for more than 10 years, and have a research specialization in international relations and Asian Studies. I have also taught English for Academic Purposes for many years and am quite familiar with the difficulties encountered by Japanese students when researching and writing in English.

While a student, I studied at the University of British Columbia (Canada), the University of Oxford, Tokyo University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and am aware of the rewards and challenges that such study-abroad programs involve. From my own experience, I can say that the foreign studies that I did in the United Kingdom were very much a worthwile endeavor.

I have also studied foreign languages abroad, including French at Universite Laval and Japanese at Sophia University and the Japan Foundation. I first became interested in studying Japanese through judo and still retain an interest in traditional Japanese culture.



“No man can reveal to you that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge…
If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.”

– Kahlil Gibran

Advantages of being with beo


As a preparatory school, BEO has many people, resources and facilities to assist you in achieving your own goals, whether they be to study abroad, strengthen your English skills, improve your career chances or to meet like-minded individuals. In short, BEO allows you “to be the best that you can be”.

留学するための準備をサポートする beo には、海外留学、英語力の強化、キャリアチャンスの向上、同じ目標を持つ誰かに会うことなど、それぞれの目標を達成するための、多くのスタッフ、リソース、設備があります。beo はあなたが “to be the best that you can be” をかなえることをお手伝いします。

A message for people interested in studying abroad


Studying abroad is a challenge, but one that is very much worth the time and effort. The chance to live in another country, acquire a new language and try a new way of life is — as a Slovenian expression puts it — to acquire a new soul that will guide you throughout your life.

Do not underestimate the challenges, nor your own ability to surpass them…. Prepare, commit and succeed!

海外留学は挑戦です。しかし、その費やした時間と労力には、大変価値があります。 別の国に住み、新しい言語を習得し、新しい生活環境を試すチャンスによって–スロベニア語の表現が示すように–あなたを導く新しい本質(魂)を、あなたの人生を通して獲得することとなるでしょう。
